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Room Model Electric Diffuser Review

Aroma Thyme introduces to consumers and therapists superior quality and greater value with an amazing new series of pumps that are 3-4 times more efficient, more versatile and more attractive. We have selected from pump manufacturers the world over the very best models based on low noise level, versatility, efficiency of diffusion and aesthetic value. All of our pumps have a microdispersion so gentle and efficient they have to be seen to be believed. Tests have shown that the pumps diffuse essential oil at a rate of 300-400% less than our competitors' models. Not only does this mean you have a very low maintenance appliance, but this results in your saving 3 or 4 times the oil you are currently using with other models. For example, each of our models will utilize no more than a 5 ml fill even if it is used all day and all night, non-stop. Never overuse or waste essential oil again! Do you think efficiency of not wasting precious and costly essential oil is our most valuable asset? How about convenience and the flexibility to program your diffuser to function only when you want it to? With our easy to set 30 minute increment manual clock programmable timer, you are able to set your diffuser to function when you want it to fit your daily routine, scheduling it easily for leisure or work activity. Did you know that 30 minutes every hour or two are all that you need to get the full therapeutic benefit and enjoyment from a diffuser? With our models you can now program your diffuser to the desired saturation levels you want without having to do anything more than program the easily adjusted manual clock timer switches to any 30 minute increment combination. Read more...

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